M.P.V.F.D. Fire Safety

Beginning in 1985, The Mount Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department began a fire safety, prevention and education program. Since its inception sixteen years ago Assistant Chief, Joe Rudnik, has headed-up this community service endeavor.

Affectionately known as "Fireman Joe" by all the students he has taught, this program has been administered to thousands of kindergarten, first and second grade students of the public and parochial schools in Mount Pleasant.. At one time, Fireman Joe, on his days off from work, would visit Rumbaugh, Ramsey and Holy Trinity Catholic schools along with a preschool class (Show & Tell) at the High School to introduce fire safety to the young children. Fireman Joe, along with his assistant, Shawn Markiewicz, have given of their personal time unselfishly to this program. By educating the students of the danger of fire and what to do in the event of an emergency situation, they feel if only one life is saved, all of their time was well spent.

They can often be found explaining the familiar "Stop, Drop and Roll" technique that could save someone from serious injury in the event their clothes caught on fire. Almost every home with children in Mount Pleasant has a "Fire Escape Plan" prepared with their guidance. They also show fire safety videos and Fireman Joe has also given talks to local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Frick Hospital Babysitting training seminar attendees as well as to senior citizen groups to prepare them for unforeseen emergencies.

This is another fine service by dedicated volunteers that the Mount Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department is happy to offer to the community.

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Station 38 Maltese Cross